As I write this in late January – at the somewhat surreal confluence of the MLK holiday and inauguration day – I’ve been reflecting on how my nonprofit peers are responding to this moment. Given the nature of my work, I’m connected to many organizations and the consultants who serve them, across a broad range of issues, constituencies, … [Read more...]
Asset mapping: Moving from scarcity to abundance
Note: This guest post is from Rhianna Simes and Brooke Nuckles of Growing Assets LLC. Thanks Brooke and Rhianna! January offers a fresh start. One powerful exercise to consider this month is asset mapping. This practice will help identify your organization’s strengths, opportunities, and hidden resources that can drive your mission … [Read more...]
Co-Directors: The right leadership model for your organization?
Note: This post is based on a webinar I co-facilitated with Erin De Vries and Kassia Randzio of Vermont River Conservancy. Thanks Erin and Kassia! A few months back, I was approached by the Nonprofit Association of Oregon to lead a session for their Co-Director Learning Cohort. The goal of the program is to gather organizations that are … [Read more...]
Beyond the 501(c)(3): Other models for social change
After 44 years of working with nonprofits, here’s my confession: I’m sort of done with the normal nonprofit structure. You know what I’m talking about, but just to be clear: These organizations … Are incorporated in their respective states and granted tax exempt status by the federal government. Are governed by a volunteer … [Read more...]
What is fundability – and how do I get some?
Many years ago, when I was employed as a development director, I would gather the program staff once a year and ask the following question: “If we had unlimited amounts of money, what work would we do – and how would we do it?” In other words, I gave them explicit permission to go crazy. To dream without limits. To speak those dreams … [Read more...]
Do we really need boards? Let’s debate (Part 2)
Note: This is the second of two posts adapted from an online conversation between Train Your Board partners Bob Osborne and Andy Robinson. You can find the first portion here. Join the debate! We welcome your comments. Bob Any alternative structure – different from the traditional 501(c)(3) – would need to address fundraising. If an … [Read more...]
Do we really need boards? Let’s debate (Part 1)
Note: This two-part post is adapted from an online conversation between Train Your Board partners Bob Osborne and Andy Robinson. Join the debate! We welcome your comments. Bob Andy, I know you believe that our current model of board and nonprofit governance may be broken, and that you've been exploring alternative models. It's an … [Read more...]
My three succession plans
In recent years, I’ve been leading workshops and webinars on leadership transition and succession planning. It's a significant aspect of my business. If you believe the maxim, “An expert is anyone who knows 5% more than most people,” then perhaps I qualify. I’ve read a little (and written a little) on this subject. I’ve talked with lots … [Read more...]
Challenging your assumptions about donors
Note: This guest post is from Alyson Molloy Hussey. Thanks, Alyson! I recently consulted with an organization that was planning a very cool cultivation event. Of course, the Executive Director wanted the group’s most generous donor to attend. When we discussed this at our weekly meeting, they seemed skeptical about the donor. “I am … [Read more...]
To connect with your audiences, think like a journalist
Note: This guest post is from Julie Kelley. Thanks, Julie! After decades working in the news media, I want to share a few ideas to help nonprofits tell better stories, reach more people, and engage their audiences. Specifically, I want to offer a journalist’s take on how to better use social media. Here's something that you may not … [Read more...]