Over the years, we’ve offered behind-the-scenes perspectives in Board President Confidential and Treasurer Confidential. In Trainer Confidential, published at the start of the pandemic, we discussed how to move in-person programs online. In the same spirit, we invite you to eavesdrop as Laurel, Bob and Andy discuss the philosophy and … [Read more...]
A capital campaign … for a for-profit business
Located in my small Vermont town, the Plainfield Cooperative grocery store is more than fifty years old. A visit to its current location – a small-ish room in the former grange hall – is like a visit to the 1970s. Uneven wooden floors, narrow aisles, aging equipment. An interesting assortment of products, ranging from uber-local produce … [Read more...]
Are you prepared for planned gifts?
Note: This guest post from Christine Graham is adapted from her new book, Thinking About Planned Giving: Information for donors and their favorite causes. Thanks, Christine! Planned giving is increasingly popular and often sounds complicated. It need not be. When we talk about planned giving (or legacy giving), we mean a charitable … [Read more...]
A more equitable approach to donor relationships
Note: This guest post is from Nora Ellertsen of The Funding Seed. You can read a longer version here. Thanks, Nora! Let’s talk about how we define our closest supporters and who we prioritize when building relationships. Begin with the industry standard: major gifts – as defined by the number of dollars a person gives or has the … [Read more...]
Listening as leadership
Over the years, I’ve facilitated dozens of strategic planning retreats. Sometimes the executive director, CEO, or board president – somebody with a title and the power that comes with it – will pull me aside and ask a thoughtful question: “How much should I talk?” Here’s a variation: “Maybe I should just listen and not speak too much. … [Read more...]
To connect with your audiences, think like a journalist
Note: This guest post is from Julie Kelley. Thanks, Julie! After decades working in the news media, I want to share a few ideas to help nonprofits tell better stories, reach more people, and engage their audiences. Specifically, I want to offer a journalist’s take on how to better use social media. Here's something that you may not … [Read more...]
Three types of change — and how to manage each type
What’s your comfort level with change? Do you embrace new stuff – especially unexpected new stuff? If you’re involved with nonprofits, you’re in the change business, like it or not. Nonprofit organizations exist to heal the sick, address threats to the environment, build affordable housing, end oppression, create transformative art, … [Read more...]
Three tips for better hybrid meetings
Note: This guest post is from Anna Adachi-Mejia; an earlier version appeared in Medium. Thanks, Anna! Are you planning a combined in-person and videoconference meeting – in other words, a hybrid meeting? As a former faculty member who has facilitated and attended hundreds of hybrid meetings, I understand how this can feel like the worst … [Read more...]
Board ambassadors: 20 ways to improve their outreach and impact
A key role for any nonprofit board is ambassadorship: representing and promoting the organization throughout their networks and communities. In today’s post – adapted from a recent webinar hosted by the Sustainability Network and co-created by my colleague Harvey McKinnon – I’m pleased to offer twenty tools and techniques you can use … [Read more...]
Raising money from businesses: Six ways board members can help
Whenever I’m working with nonprofit boards – specifically, boards with limited fundraising experience – the brainstorm always begins like this: Let’s ask businesses for donations. While I have mixed feelings about this approach – after all, corporations provided only 4% of philanthropic dollars in 2021 – I also understand and … [Read more...]