What do you get when you combine an old-school fundraising strategy – phone banking – with a new online platform like Zoom? People working together – while also working remotely! – to engage their donors and raise more money. Here’s a great example from Training for Change. Thanks to Zein Nakhoda (staff) and Sonia Silbert (board) … [Read more...]
Training both sides of the brain
Take a look at these two photos. Which one looks like the more engaging learning experience? Given a choice between the two, where would you rather be? Your answer may depend on how your brain works. Your brain isn’t one thing In the 1960’s, psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry proposed that the brain’s left … [Read more...]
What Do I Do Now? The Facilitator’s Guide to Intuition
Note: This guest post is from Katherine Golub, a personal coach and consultant. To learn more about her work, visit CoreBrillianceAcademy.com. Thanks, Katherine! Have you ever facilitated a meeting where things start to feel off, and you aren’t quite sure what to do next? At those moments, do you wish it was easier to figure out … [Read more...]
What You Can Learn by Training Trainers
When was the last time you spent a year planning something – and then launched it? If you felt that unique combination of excitement, anxiety, satisfaction, and relief, then you’ll understand what I was experiencing a week ago. Last Monday, we rolled out the brand-new Training, Facilitation, and Consulting Certificate Program – a … [Read more...]
How to Claim Your Trainer Power
In Tucson, where I lived for many years, there’s a popular line of t-shirts based on the Mexican card game loteria. My favorite, El Mundo, features a picture of Atlas balancing the world on his shoulders. He’s the same fellow, sculpted in bronze, who towers over Rockefeller Center in New York City – knees bent, biceps bulging, head … [Read more...]
New Consultants and Trainers: Five MORE Tips for Success
A few months ago, we published a blog post about how to create and build a consulting and training business, with lots of practical, hands-on advice. The post was so popular – many comments, shares, and emails – that we’re jumping in again with five more tips to support your work. Even if you’re not a consultant, consider this an … [Read more...]
What Every Board Member Should Know About Finances (and Probably Doesn’t)
With the possible exception of “How can I avoid fundraising?” the most common question trustees tend to ask themselves is, “What do all these numbers mean?” I bet you’ve experienced that dreaded board meeting moment. The financial statements are distributed, the treasurer offers a few remarks, and then asks, “Any questions?” A long, … [Read more...]
In Training – and in Fundraising – You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
A few weeks ago, Andrea and I led a webinar about teaching board members to ask for gifts. It was a lively workshop. We shared five training exercises and answered lots of questions about board involvement. Overall, it felt like an effective, engaging experience. And then… Tell us what you really think As we were wrapping up, … [Read more...]
What’s your relation to preparation?
Last month, I facilitated a train-the-trainer workshop for the faculty of the Center for Nonprofit Leadership, a program of California Lutheran University. It’s a lively network of skilled consultants, academics, and nonprofit staff who support and train their peers. For the icebreaker, I used one of my favorites – the continuum … [Read more...]
Want a productive meeting? Create a great agenda
Many board members confuse going to meetings with fulfilling their duties. Alas, attending meetings barely qualifies as work – especially when you consider the typical agenda. A report, a few questions, another report, another question or two, a digression, a discussion about which color to paint the office, and an argument about the … [Read more...]