The Jewish tradition includes a book of learning called Pirkei Avot, translated as Ethics of the Ancestors. Compiled almost two thousand years ago, it’s filled with advice. Some of the principles feel archaic, while others remain strikingly relevant. As our country wrestles (yet again) with its history of white supremacy, I am … [Read more...]
Mastering virtual meetings
How many online meetings have you attended recently? How many were engaging, satisfying, and effectively facilitated? As I write this in mid-March 2020, we are just beginning to feel the impacts of the coronavirus across North America. As you gather less often with colleagues, more of your work life is probably moving … [Read more...]
Showing up imperfect, part 2: Power, privilege, and imperfection
A few months ago, I published a post called Showing Up Imperfect. Based on my experience leading a series of train-the-trainer workshops in Maine, I reflected on the value of humility, vulnerability, and imperfection. To summarize, there’s a big difference between being imperfect and being incompetent. Know your stuff and do your work … [Read more...]
Board members: It’s not a life sentence
Once upon a time, I served with a skilled, committed, hard-working board president: a great strategic thinker and also attentive to detail. This is a rare combination. If I could clone this person for other boards, I would absolutely do it. Our president, however, was always dancing on the edge of burnout. Lacking an obvious … [Read more...]
Showing up imperfect
A consulting colleague has a successful business facilitating workshops on a variety of topics, serving a variety of clients. She’s supremely well-organized. She designs meticulous agendas, prepares materials days in advance, and rehearses her presentation. As the day of the job approaches, you don't want to mess with her, because … [Read more...]
Hospice care for nonprofits, part 2: The board’s role
Because not every group is designed to last forever, I recently shared a post about end-of-life care for nonprofit organizations. Regardless of your role – staff, volunteer, consultant, or supporter – it’s helpful to understand organizational life cycles. Board members have a unique responsibility for life-and-death decisions. To my … [Read more...]
Hospice care for nonprofits: Diagnosis and treatment
How healthy is your organization? What’s your trajectory? Are you growing, shrinking, or treading water? What’s the energy level among staff and board? Is your mission still relevant and inspiring? More than a decade ago, I participated in volunteer training at our local hospice agency. As the Great Recession rolled through the … [Read more...]
Succession planning: Leading by sharing power
In 1986, I killed my first nonprofit organization. That wasn’t my plan. In fact, there wasn't any plan. When our vibrant, all-volunteer nonprofit was ready to hire its first employee, the board chose me. With staff in place, our group took a big step forward: more programming, new audiences, bigger impact. While I was merrily … [Read more...]
Treasurer confidential
About a year ago, I became the treasurer of a well-established but tiny nonprofit. With an annual budget of less than $100,000 and limited staff, our organization is as grassroots and community-based as it gets. I’ve served on several boards. I train boards for a living. I write books about how to be an effective board member, … [Read more...]
Your group isn’t unique – and that’s a good thing
From time to time, my phone rings. A nonprofit staff or board member begins to talk. “We’re in a unique situation,” this person says. Silently, I roll my eyes. Or maybe, “We have a unique problem.” Actually, you don’t. Apologies for the snark. During these conversations, I do my best to listen deeply, respond … [Read more...]