About a year ago, I became the treasurer of a well-established but tiny nonprofit. With an annual budget of less than $100,000 and limited staff, our organization is as grassroots and community-based as it gets. I’ve served on several boards. I train boards for a living. I write books about how to be an effective board member, … [Read more...]
How to create a strategic plan – a facilitator’s guide
Regardless of where you land on the preparation continuum – some of us prefer improvisation to planning – you’ll be more successful with a thoughtful, well-designed plan. You can create a strategic plan yourself or hire a consultant to help. Note to consultants: If you’re building a business, the world is filled with potential … [Read more...]
Is Your Board a Cost Center – or a Profit Center?
What does it cost you to have a board of directors? Is the cost worth the effort? Provocative questions, right? Let’s start by acknowledging the basics. If you're a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in the U.S., you are legally required to have a board. There’s a thoughtful reason for this: the board is the legal owner of your … [Read more...]
PowerPoint For Good:
4 Tips For Trainers
Note: This guest post is from Laura Rhodes of Third Sector Consulting and author of the LetsTalkNonprofit.blog. Thanks, Laura! Ask nonprofit staff or board members why they attend conferences, and you’ll get a variety of responses. To be with like-minded people. To network with others in the field. And, invariably, to … [Read more...]
My big fundraising failure – and what you can learn from it
In October, I rolled out a fundraising appeal for our new Training, Facilitation, and Consulting Certificate Program with Marlboro College. We had launched the week before and – after a decade of dreaming and a solid year of planning – I was SO EXCITED to see it all come together. I wrote a fundraising pitch, sharing my excitement. … [Read more...]
Year-End Fundraising: Give People What They Want
President Harry Truman once famously said, “The secret of raising children is to find out what they want to do and then encourage them to do it. “ I think that’s great advice – and so did my kids! Note to self (and to you, too): Apply the same advice in your outreach to donors. Year-end fundraising: Beyond the tried-and-true As … [Read more...]
Hiring a consultant? How be a savvy consumer
Do you need help? Silly question … who doesn’t? As the gig economy expands, many nonprofits and businesses are turning to consultants and contractors to help with a variety of tasks, and to supplement staff capacity. For example, I’m recruited as a consultant to train board and staff members, lead community workshops, … [Read more...]
What Every Board Member Should Know About Finances (and Probably Doesn’t)
With the possible exception of “How can I avoid fundraising?” the most common question trustees tend to ask themselves is, “What do all these numbers mean?” I bet you’ve experienced that dreaded board meeting moment. The financial statements are distributed, the treasurer offers a few remarks, and then asks, “Any questions?” A long, … [Read more...]
New Consultants and Trainers: Five Tips for Success
It’s resolution season, and perhaps you’re considering a change in your work life. Maybe – just maybe – you’re thinking about starting your own consulting and training practice. How do I know? Because at least once a month, somebody – a friend, a client, a participant in a community workshop – asks me, “How do I become a … [Read more...]
Ambassador Training for Your Board
How big is your marketing budget? Let me guess: Not big enough. Many grassroots nonprofits struggle with marketing. They want a big brand, but have little time or money to invest. Sadly, many of these groups ignore the best tool in the marketing toolbox – and it’s free. Word of mouth! While your marketing options have expanded … [Read more...]