Because it’s December, here’s the best-case scenario – your year-end fundraising program is in full gear and the gifts are rolling in. You’ve invested lots of time writing, designing, and sending letters and email appeals. Perhaps you recruited board members and other volunteers to write notes on all those fundraising letters, which … [Read more...]
In Training – and in Fundraising – You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
A few weeks ago, Andrea and I led a webinar about teaching board members to ask for gifts. It was a lively workshop. We shared five training exercises and answered lots of questions about board involvement. Overall, it felt like an effective, engaging experience. And then… Tell us what you really think As we were wrapping up, … [Read more...]
How to Build Consensus With Any Group
Do you facilitate or chair any kind of meeting or gathering – planning sessions, board meetings, work groups, or committee meetings? If so, one of your jobs is to help the group make decisions…preferably thoughtful, transparent, commonly-agreed-upon decisions. In our last post, we discussed the ways that Robert’s Rules of Order can … [Read more...]
Decisions, decisions: Consensus vs. Robert’s Rules
In my work with nonprofits, I'm always mystified by the pervasive use and abuse of parliamentary procedure, also known as Robert’s Rules of Order. Many, many board members believe that their discussions and decisions are somehow more valid when they make motions, second those motions, call the question, and hold formal votes that are … [Read more...]
Ambassador Training for Your Board
How big is your marketing budget? Let me guess: Not big enough. Many grassroots nonprofits struggle with marketing. They want a big brand, but have little time or money to invest. Sadly, many of these groups ignore the best tool in the marketing toolbox – and it’s free. Word of mouth! While your marketing options have expanded … [Read more...]
Fundraising Training, Step by Step
Name one important skill you mastered the first time you tried it. Perhaps you can find an example or two, but let’s face it – we become good at things by learning basic principles, followed by lots of practice. Fundraising is no different. It’s a skill to be mastered. If you want your board, staff, or any group to master … [Read more...]
Ask Your Board: How High Will You Go?
Note: This guest post is from our colleague Amy Eisenstein, one of the country’s leading fundraising consultants and trainers. Thanks Amy! Your board members are essential for successful fundraising, especially when it comes to major gift fundraising. Unfortunately, fundraising doesn’t come naturally to most board members, which means … [Read more...]
Talkers, non-talkers, and disrupters: How to effectively engage your group
If you’ve ever chaired a meeting, taught a class, organized people to accomplish a specific task, or facilitated anything, you’ve undoubtedly encountered these challenges. People who talk too much People who are uncomfortable talking in groups or simply choose not to speak People who disrupt the process and require a lot of … [Read more...]
Want a productive meeting? Create a great agenda
Many board members confuse going to meetings with fulfilling their duties. Alas, attending meetings barely qualifies as work – especially when you consider the typical agenda. A report, a few questions, another report, another question or two, a digression, a discussion about which color to paint the office, and an argument about the … [Read more...]
Gnarly Questions (and Answers) About Board Training – Part 2
Last week we ran the first part of Andy’s Q&A with consultant Mazarine Treyz, who posed several challenging questions about building and training effective boards. This week, we’re sharing the rest of their conversation. Enjoy! Finding great board members Mazarine: How can you find good board members? What’s a way to get the BEST … [Read more...]