As I write this in late January – at the somewhat surreal confluence of the MLK holiday and inauguration day – I’ve been reflecting on how my nonprofit peers are responding to this moment. Given the nature of my work, I’m connected to many organizations and the consultants who serve them, across a broad range of issues, constituencies, … [Read more...]
Difficult conversations: Talking about climate change
Note: This guest post from Karen Strong is the first in a series about facilitating difficult conversations on challenging topics. Her guidance applies to difficult conversations on all sorts of subjects – not just the climate crisis. Thanks, Karen! When was the last time you talked about climate change for more than a minute or … [Read more...]
Creating a climate-positive consulting business
As the summer winds down – a summer filled with drought, fires, floods, and other extreme weather – I’ve been thinking about the ways my consulting business engages with the topic of climate resilience. What am I doing to create positive change? Which of my behaviors add to the problem? How am I supporting my clients in taking … [Read more...]
Why I stopped flying
In December 2018 – a full year before anyone had heard of COVID-19 – I boarded an airplane for the last time. This was a huge change for me and my business. Over the previous 25 years, I had worked in 47 U.S. states and across Canada, piling up lots of frequent flyer miles and spewing lots of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In … [Read more...]