Several years ago I shared Treasurer Confidential, which described my experience as treasurer of a nonprofit board. My volunteer career has progressed and (surprise!) I’m now president of our grassroots, one-employee organization. In theory, I am well-qualified. I’ve served on multiple boards. I train boards for a living. I write books … [Read more...]
Three tips for improving your virtual board meetings
Note: This guest post is from consultant Alyson Molloy Hussey. Thanks, Alyson! 2020 was a challenging year for many organizations. Faced with a totally different environment, nonprofit leaders were forced to pivot, adapt, and get creative. How about you? What was your biggest adaptation over the last year? Some of these … [Read more...]
Want more major gifts? Share your impact
Note: This guest post from Megan Amundson describes the case for more consistent donor communications that emphasize the donor’s impact. For a different (and useful) perspective, check out Community-Centric Fundraising and Nonprofit AF. When I talk with leaders of small nonprofits, they ask me how to build a major donor … [Read more...]
Using Asking Styles to train your board
Note: This guest post is from Brian Saber of Asking Matters. It’s adapted from his new book, Boards and Asking Styles: A Roadmap to Success. Thanks, Brian! For most nonprofits, board training is a challenge. And no wonder! The team meets infrequently — and can’t meet in person during the pandemic. Resources may be scarce. Furthermore, … [Read more...]
“Why me?” (and other questions donors ask)
Note: This guest post is adapted from Harvey McKinnon’s book, The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks and the Answers All Donors Crave. Next month, I’m excited to be joining Harvey for a webinar on this topic… and you’re invited, too. “Me” is everyone’s favorite subject. It’s no surprise that a donor’s first question (whether spoken or … [Read more...]
Good Trouble: How Nonprofits Can Lobby for Change
Note: This guest post is from Martha Collins. It’s adapted from a piece originally published by the Nonprofit Academy of Wisconsin, co-written with Rob Meiksins. Their training series on nonprofit lobbying begins on September 17. Hello, fellow nonprofiteers! As we write this, the reasons and the need for nonprofit … [Read more...]
Design yourself a better board
Imagine the following exercise. Gather your board members around a flip chart. Ask the following question: "If we could design the perfect board for our group, what skills, qualities, and representation would we want in prospective board members?" Skills, qualities, representation Skills include specific expertise to help the … [Read more...]
What are “major gifts” – and where do I find them?
When talking with potential clients, I often ask the following questions: "What do you consider a major gift? How many donors contribute at that level?" The phrase "major gift" perplexes some people. If needed, I might rephrase as follows: What do you consider a big gift from an individual donor? If you skimmed off the top 10% … [Read more...]
The three most powerful words in fundraising
What gets in the way of you and your board raising more money? For a fundraising trainer like me, this is a key question. Any sort of fundraising education must address the barriers that make it difficult for people to participate. This list of common barriers won’t surprise you. Perhaps you’ve experienced them yourself. … [Read more...]
What’s your budget? (What, you don’t know?)
When interviewing potential clients, I always ask a basic question early in the conversation: “What’s your annual budget?” Sometimes I’m talking with staff, or it might be a board member or a volunteer. More often than not, there’s a long pause. I wait a moment, then ask again. “Last year, how much money did you raise and … [Read more...]