Are you satisfied with your board’s fundraising performance? If the answer is an emphatic “No!,” don’t feel bad. You’re not alone. Based on all the inquiries, I could probably lead board fundraising workshops 365 days per year. The demand is endless. Perhaps you’ve tried the standard remedies: pep talks, board retreats, recruiting … [Read more...]
It’s time to check in with your donors
Note: This guest post is from Bob Osborne of The Osborne Group. Thanks, Bob! As we move from the economic uncertainty of a global pandemic to the economic uncertainty of inflation, high energy prices, and what many see as looming recession, it’s important to have happy, loyal, well-stewarded donors. How can you determine how your … [Read more...]
The myth of dirty money
Imagine the following… After talking with a friend who says great things about your organization, I hop on your website – and I’m impressed. Based on this friend’s referral and my bit of online homework, I pull out my credit card and donate $50. Question: Should you accept my gift? Your response: What? Are you serious? Of course … [Read more...]
Getting the most out of your next board retreat
Note: This guest post is from Laurel McCombs of the Osborne Group. Thanks, Laurel! Spring cleaning, annual physicals, board retreats. What do these things have in common? Admit it, your first thought wasn’t completely positive. On one hand, they can all be viewed as obligatory tasks to be endured once a year. Some may view them as … [Read more...]
Four board tricks you haven’t tried … yet
Many people who contact me want to talk (or complain!) about their nonprofit’s board of directors. They ask, “How can we…” Convince our board to raise more money? Encourage them to take their work seriously? Improve their leadership skills? Transition our board to a different role as our organization … [Read more...]
Leading through ambiguity
A friend recently asked me, “In your role as board president, what’s been your approach to dealing with the pandemic?” “Embracing ambiguity,” I said, without hesitation. “The virus changes, the health guidance evolves, the future is unclear. We keep adapting, and I’m comfortable with that.” In that moment, I remembered an Institute … [Read more...]
Funding social change from your own community
Note: This guest post is adapted and condensed from Fundraising for Social Change, 8th Edition, by Kim Klein and Stan Yogi. It explores how the LGBTQ+ rights movement generated funding and people power in San Francisco. Order your copy through your local bookstore. Thanks, Stan and Kim! In the 1970s, lesbians and gay men from … [Read more...]
Why fundraising is better than an endowment
Note: This guest post is from Harvey McKinnon, with assistance from his colleague Kevin Wilson. Thank you both! For many years I served on the board of a small arts organization. I loved the nonprofit, but one thing bothered me every time we went over the budget: our endowment. The endowment totaled about $900,000, just shy of our … [Read more...]
Time or money: Which is easier to get?
When leading a fundraising workshop, I often use the following two-minute exercise. “I want to try a thought experiment,” I might say, “and this experiment is about you.” That gets everyone’s attention. “I'm starting with two assumptions: you don’t have enough time and you don’t have enough money. I could be totally wrong – in … [Read more...]
Help your board promote monthly giving
Note: This guest post is from Erica Waasdorp, author of a new book, Monthly Giving Made Easy. Thanks, Erica! Pandemic lesson number one: you need reliable revenue, no matter what. Your best solution is monthly giving: encouraging automatic monthly payments from your donors, typically via credit card or electronic funds transfer … [Read more...]