In my work with boards, I’m always amused (and occasionally annoyed) by the obsessive pursuit of the perfect elevator pitch. Many trustees – especially those who are new to fundraising or simply find it difficult – tend to indulge in magical thinking. The magic thought goes something like this: “If I can just master the elevator … [Read more...]
The Gift of Time: What Can You Expect From Your Board?
In building a board, many people fixate on the potential for big gifts. Perhaps you’re familiar with the “wealthy board” fantasy? However, a board member’s most important contribution is the gift of time. With our families, jobs, social obligations, etc., personal time is a shrinking resource, which makes it ever more precious. Do you … [Read more...]
New Consultants and Trainers: Five Tips for Success
It’s resolution season, and perhaps you’re considering a change in your work life. Maybe – just maybe – you’re thinking about starting your own consulting and training practice. How do I know? Because at least once a month, somebody – a friend, a client, a participant in a community workshop – asks me, “How do I become a … [Read more...]
Three Ways to Hire a Fundraiser
Do your plans for the New Year include hiring a development director? Perhaps your board is saying, “If we’re going to be better fundraisers, we need better professional training and support from the staff.” I have this conversation often, because so many nonprofits are looking for skilled development people and want recruitment … [Read more...]
In Training – and in Fundraising – You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
A few weeks ago, Andrea and I led a webinar about teaching board members to ask for gifts. It was a lively workshop. We shared five training exercises and answered lots of questions about board involvement. Overall, it felt like an effective, engaging experience. And then… Tell us what you really think As we were wrapping up, … [Read more...]
Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go
Note: This is a guest post from our thoughtful colleague Joseph Tumolo, CAP®. Joe helps fundraisers, nonprofit leaders, and board members grow their major and planned gift programs. Visit him online at Thanks, Joe! Sometimes I hear nonprofit managers wrestling with the questions, “What if we invest in training our … [Read more...]
How to Build Consensus With Any Group
Do you facilitate or chair any kind of meeting or gathering – planning sessions, board meetings, work groups, or committee meetings? If so, one of your jobs is to help the group make decisions…preferably thoughtful, transparent, commonly-agreed-upon decisions. In our last post, we discussed the ways that Robert’s Rules of Order can … [Read more...]
Decisions, decisions: Consensus vs. Robert’s Rules
In my work with nonprofits, I'm always mystified by the pervasive use and abuse of parliamentary procedure, also known as Robert’s Rules of Order. Many, many board members believe that their discussions and decisions are somehow more valid when they make motions, second those motions, call the question, and hold formal votes that are … [Read more...]
The Big Ask: Training Your Board to Pitch in Public
Note: This guest post is from our colleague Crystal Middlestadt at the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training. GIFT publishes the Grassroots Fundraising Journal (one of our favorite publications) and organizes Money for Our Movements, North America’s largest gathering of social justice fundraisers. Thanks, … [Read more...]
Ambassador Training for Your Board
How big is your marketing budget? Let me guess: Not big enough. Many grassroots nonprofits struggle with marketing. They want a big brand, but have little time or money to invest. Sadly, many of these groups ignore the best tool in the marketing toolbox – and it’s free. Word of mouth! While your marketing options have expanded … [Read more...]