Note: This guest post from Christal M. Cherry of The Board Pro is part of an ongoing series on rethinking nonprofit boards. Thanks, Christal! More than sixty-four million people in the US serve on nonprofit boards. They make life-changing decisions that impact all of us. Does the current board model yield the best results? As society … [Read more...]
Power below radar: The innovation and influence of ad hoc groups
Note: My colleagues Christal M. Cherry, Renee Rubin Ross, and I have been exploring tweaks, hacks, and alternatives to the traditional 501(c)(3) nonprofit structure. This post is the first in an informal series. – Andy When I say “nonprofit,” what comes to mind? Perhaps you picture the entire sector: a $2 trillion dollar industry across … [Read more...]
The COVID relief money you haven’t received … yet
Note: This guest post is from financial management consultant Cynthia Moore of Operation Fairy Godmother, Thanks, Cynthia! Did your organization take advantage of the PPP, EIDL, Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, or other Federal grant and loan programs? For many nonprofits, this money was a godsend … [Read more...]
How to recession-proof your nonprofit
Note: this guest post is from Traci Shirachi of The Mark USA. Thanks, Traci! Are we entering a recession? If so, are you ready? Throughout the pandemic, nonprofits excelled at adaptation: embracing remote work, changing their service delivery models, engaging donors differently. These pivots were largely successful but required a lot … [Read more...]
Decolonizing your bylaws: Robert’s Rules can buzz off
Note: This guest post is from Bonnie Chavez of Building Beloved Communities. Thanks, Bonnie! Generally, I don’t help to create new nonprofits. I can think of one exception: when a program has outgrown its fiscal sponsor and is ready to become a 501(c)(3). That’s when things get interesting. First, a little about my intersectionalities. … [Read more...]
The myth of dirty money, part 2: Weed in the woods
Note: This is a follow-up to an earlier post, The Myth of Dirty Money. My goal is to demonstrate the complexity of this topic, especially in rural areas with limited resources, and discuss how nonprofits can adapt. I used to take regular work trips to Humboldt County in Northern California. With support from NorCAN, a project of the … [Read more...]
Death, money, and values: Exploring taboo subjects with your donors
Note: This post is adapted from a recent presentation to the Maine Planned Giving Council. Thanks to MPGC! My planned giving story begins more than twenty years ago, when my spouse and I created our first wills. In addition to including our daughter, niece, and nephew, we designated six nonprofits to each receive a small percentage of … [Read more...]
Time or money: Which is easier to get?
When leading a fundraising workshop, I often use the following two-minute exercise. “I want to try a thought experiment,” I might say, “and this experiment is about you.” That gets everyone’s attention. “I'm starting with two assumptions: you don’t have enough time and you don’t have enough money. I could be totally wrong – in … [Read more...]
Help your board promote monthly giving
Note: This guest post is from Erica Waasdorp, author of a new book, Monthly Giving Made Easy. Thanks, Erica! Pandemic lesson number one: you need reliable revenue, no matter what. Your best solution is monthly giving: encouraging automatic monthly payments from your donors, typically via credit card or electronic funds transfer … [Read more...]
Board president confidential
Several years ago I shared Treasurer Confidential, which described my experience as treasurer of a nonprofit board. My volunteer career has progressed and (surprise!) I’m now president of our grassroots, one-employee organization. In theory, I am well-qualified. I’ve served on multiple boards. I train boards for a living. I write books … [Read more...]