Note: This guest post is from Laurel McCombs of The Osborne Group. Thanks, Laurel! My colleague Bob Osborne recently shared why now is the time to conduct your next donor survey. Ready to get started? Here are eight tips to consider. 1. Make sure you know WHY I often get asked about which questions should be included in a donor … [Read more...]
The myth of dirty money, part 2: Weed in the woods
Note: This is a follow-up to an earlier post, The Myth of Dirty Money. My goal is to demonstrate the complexity of this topic, especially in rural areas with limited resources, and discuss how nonprofits can adapt. I used to take regular work trips to Humboldt County in Northern California. With support from NorCAN, a project of the … [Read more...]
It’s time to check in with your donors
Note: This guest post is from Bob Osborne of The Osborne Group. Thanks, Bob! As we move from the economic uncertainty of a global pandemic to the economic uncertainty of inflation, high energy prices, and what many see as looming recession, it’s important to have happy, loyal, well-stewarded donors. How can you determine how your … [Read more...]
The myth of dirty money
Imagine the following… After talking with a friend who says great things about your organization, I hop on your website – and I’m impressed. Based on this friend’s referral and my bit of online homework, I pull out my credit card and donate $50. Question: Should you accept my gift? Your response: What? Are you serious? Of course … [Read more...]
Four board tricks you haven’t tried … yet
Many people who contact me want to talk (or complain!) about their nonprofit’s board of directors. They ask, “How can we…” Convince our board to raise more money? Encourage them to take their work seriously? Improve their leadership skills? Transition our board to a different role as our organization … [Read more...]
My favorite fundraising story … ever
Once upon a time – this is a true story – there was a fearless fundraiser. Let’s call her Maria. Maria worked as the development director for a well-loved, mid-sized nonprofit serving a rural community. In addition to managing a variety of fundraising tasks – annual appeals, events, online fundraising, etc. – she was also the primary … [Read more...]
Death, money, and values: Exploring taboo subjects with your donors
Note: This post is adapted from a recent presentation to the Maine Planned Giving Council. Thanks to MPGC! My planned giving story begins more than twenty years ago, when my spouse and I created our first wills. In addition to including our daughter, niece, and nephew, we designated six nonprofits to each receive a small percentage of … [Read more...]
“Why me?” (and other questions donors ask)
Note: This guest post is adapted from Harvey McKinnon’s book, The 11 Questions Every Donor Asks and the Answers All Donors Crave. Next month, I’m excited to be joining Harvey for a webinar on this topic… and you’re invited, too. “Me” is everyone’s favorite subject. It’s no surprise that a donor’s first question (whether spoken or … [Read more...]
Fundraising in uncertain times: Success stories
How are you navigating this moment? Are you fearful for your organization? Do you sense opportunities? Perhaps both... In today’s post, I’m offering you a pep talk based on data, long experience, and a couple of good stories. These days may feel bleak, but if you address your fear and engage your donors, you can raise a lot of money – … [Read more...]
How to build a gift chart: A fundraising exercise
What’s my favorite fundraising tool? That’s easy: show me a gift chart. If you’re like me, you need to understand how many donations, at what amounts, are needed to reach your goal. If the information is presented in a visual, easy-to-understand way, that’s even better. A gift chart can be used to: Test the feasibility of … [Read more...]