Note: This guest post is from Renee Rubin Ross. A longer version is available at Community-Centric Fundraising. Thanks, Renee! Long ago, I worked as staff alongside a terrible board. The staff was thoughtful and strategic. We were deeply knowledgeable and connected to the community. But the board? Serving on this board was a symbol of … [Read more...]
The trainer’s mantra: Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
Perhaps you’ve had this experience. You’re sitting in a workshop, webinar, or conference session. The presenter steps to the microphone, fires up the slide deck, and proceeds to bury you with information. Content, content, and even more content. Because there’s so much to know! This impulse comes from a positive place. The teacher has … [Read more...]
Doing board service differently: Couples sharing a board seat
Note: This guest post from Christal M. Cherry of The Board Pro is part of an ongoing series on rethinking nonprofit boards. Thanks, Christal! More than sixty-four million people in the US serve on nonprofit boards. They make life-changing decisions that impact all of us. Does the current board model yield the best results? As society … [Read more...]
The nuts and bolts of succession planning
Let’s start with some big questions… Does your organization aspire to solve a problem, declare victory, and go out of business? If so, what would victory look like – and when will it happen? Are you building a resilient nonprofit that can persist and thrive? How would you know? How do you measure resilience? When you step back, who … [Read more...]
Three tips for better hybrid meetings
Note: This guest post is from Anna Adachi-Mejia; an earlier version appeared in Medium. Thanks, Anna! Are you planning a combined in-person and videoconference meeting – in other words, a hybrid meeting? As a former faculty member who has facilitated and attended hundreds of hybrid meetings, I understand how this can feel like the worst … [Read more...]
When thousands of fundraisers gather, what happens?
Note: This post is from Train Your Board partner Laurel McCombs. Thanks, Laurel! My colleague Bob Osborne and I just spent a few great days in New Orleans at the Association of Fundraising Professionals International Conference (AFP ICON). This might be the largest fundraising conference in the world, with several thousand attendees from … [Read more...]
Your favorite thanks: A fundraising exercise
Note: This is adapted from Train Your Board (and Everyone Else) to Raise Money, which I co-authored with Andrea Kihlstedt. Fundraising is about gratitude and appreciation. When we demonstrate genuine, personal appreciation, donors respond – and they keep giving. By developing a “thank you menu,” you can provide more opportunities for … [Read more...]
Consultants: First, do no harm
A former client called last week. He had hired a team of consultants to facilitate a two-day planning retreat and the event had gone badly. It’s a long story, but here’s the gist. The consultants did their homework and carefully prepared the agenda. However, once the retreat began, they faced a lot of tangents, conflict, and … [Read more...]
What’s your board vision?
Note: This post is from Train Your Board partner Laurel McCombs. Thanks, Laurel! Are you planning for an incredible 2023? I hope you’re developing a board plan as well as a plan for your broader organization. More importantly, are you looking beyond the next year? Here are three reasons for clearly defining your multi-year board … [Read more...]
Boards and fundraising: Plan B (and C and D…)
Are you satisfied with your board’s fundraising performance? If the answer is an emphatic “No!,” don’t feel bad. You’re not alone. Based on all the inquiries, I could probably lead board fundraising workshops 365 days per year. The demand is endless. Perhaps you’ve tried the standard remedies: pep talks, board retreats, recruiting … [Read more...]