Note: This guest post is from Christine Zachai of Forward Philanthropy. Thanks, Christine! Remember when everything was going really well with your favorite major donor? You had a lunch date every year, you knew the names of the children and grandchildren, and you were strategizing together about your next request. Then … [Read more...]
Good Trouble: How Nonprofits Can Lobby for Change
Note: This guest post is from Martha Collins. It’s adapted from a piece originally published by the Nonprofit Academy of Wisconsin, co-written with Rob Meiksins. Their training series on nonprofit lobbying begins on September 17. Hello, fellow nonprofiteers! As we write this, the reasons and the need for nonprofit … [Read more...]
Mastering virtual meetings
How many online meetings have you attended recently? How many were engaging, satisfying, and effectively facilitated? As I write this in mid-March 2020, we are just beginning to feel the impacts of the coronavirus across North America. As you gather less often with colleagues, more of your work life is probably moving … [Read more...]
Hospice care for nonprofits, part 2: The board’s role
Because not every group is designed to last forever, I recently shared a post about end-of-life care for nonprofit organizations. Regardless of your role – staff, volunteer, consultant, or supporter – it’s helpful to understand organizational life cycles. Board members have a unique responsibility for life-and-death decisions. To my … [Read more...]
Hospice care for nonprofits: Diagnosis and treatment
How healthy is your organization? What’s your trajectory? Are you growing, shrinking, or treading water? What’s the energy level among staff and board? Is your mission still relevant and inspiring? More than a decade ago, I participated in volunteer training at our local hospice agency. As the Great Recession rolled through the … [Read more...]
More money together: Shared fundraising strategies
In my work as a fundraising consultant and trainer, I'm faced with two persistent myths: Scarcity: There’s not enough resources to go around, which leads to... Competition among groups to gather those scarce resources. To address these myths, let’s begin with a few numbers. Nonprofits across the U.S. receive more than $1.5 … [Read more...]
Treasurer confidential
About a year ago, I became the treasurer of a well-established but tiny nonprofit. With an annual budget of less than $100,000 and limited staff, our organization is as grassroots and community-based as it gets. I’ve served on several boards. I train boards for a living. I write books about how to be an effective board member, … [Read more...]
How to create a strategic plan – a facilitator’s guide
Regardless of where you land on the preparation continuum – some of us prefer improvisation to planning – you’ll be more successful with a thoughtful, well-designed plan. You can create a strategic plan yourself or hire a consultant to help. Note to consultants: If you’re building a business, the world is filled with potential … [Read more...]
No new nonprofits! A manifesto
As a consultant, I handle a lot of inquiries – by phone, via email, and in person. For example, Can you train our board to raise money? Do you do strategic planning? We’re dealing with “founder’s syndrome” – can you advise us? Can you help with our fundraising plan? We’re considering a merger with another organization and … [Read more...]
Asking Styles: Boost Your Board’s Fundraising
Note: The following guest post from Brian Saber is adapted from his new book, Asking Styles: Revolutionize Your Fundraising. Thanks, Brian! At Asking Matters, we developed Asking Styles to directly address the myth of the ideal, stereotypical fundraiser. Our model is based on the concept that authenticity is central to building … [Read more...]