When was the last time you participated in a really well organized, professionally facilitated training event? No, I’m not talking about the ones you present yourself. Perhaps you’ve sat through some disappointing workshops. I certainly have. So when I experience something really good, I want to do my little happy dance. I’m … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Help You Train Like a Pro
As you know, the heart of any effective training is experiential education – exercises, activities, role plays, small group projects, and so forth. Every successful activity begins with a set of instructions – what you want people to do – and the context for why you want them to do it. You can design a terrific workshop, but unless … [Read more...]
When Bad is Good: How to Facilitate a Great Exercise Based on Bad Behavior
How many times have you heard somebody (probably your mother) say to you, “Learn from your mistakes!” It turns out that your mother was on to something. We can, in fact, learn a lot from our failures, missteps, and missed opportunities. When it comes to training fundraisers to make the all-important face-to-face ask, encouraging … [Read more...]
How to Include Everyone: It’s As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Do you remember feeling left out when you were a kid? Perhaps you weren’t picked for a sports team…or you were picked last. Maybe when your classmates paired up for a school project, you were the odd person out. Most people have experienced that uncomfortable sense of not being wanted. It felt lousy when you were a kid. Now that you’re … [Read more...]
Trainer Funny: How to Add Humor to Your Next Workshop
Are you funny? Some of us have a natural gift for humor, while others may want to develop their funny side. Humor makes a challenging subject like fundraising easier to learn and embrace. A big group laugh can break a tense moment or add a burst of energy just when you need it. If you’re looking to add some funny to your training … [Read more...]
Training Prep: How Much is Too Much?
Are you the type of person who likes to design every detail in advance? Do you take pleasure in anticipating potential challenges and preparing contingencies for each one? Or perhaps you’re more of a free spirit – someone who’s comfortable watching things unfold and responding in the moment. When we apply this to training and … [Read more...]
Co-Training – How To Work Effectively With Another Facilitator
As a trainer or facilitator, do you ever share the stage with a colleague or two? It’s worth considering for the following reasons. Two people – assuming they’re the right two people – are smarter and savvier than either one individually. Under some circumstance, a third person can make you even smarter. Having a diversity of … [Read more...]
How to Run a Great Workshop — Whatever the Conditions
In August, I traveled to Baltimore to give a workshop at the fourth Money for Our Movements conference sponsored by GIFT, the Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training. The conference brought together 650 organizers and activists from across North America who work for social, racial, and economic justice. My session was in a hot, … [Read more...]