Note: Thanks to Stephanie Lahar for helping to develop this post – and for modeling this skill so effectively. Imagine the following situation. You’re sitting through a long board meeting or planning retreat. Colleagues offer ideas and suggestions; others dispute those ideas and add more layers to the suggestions. Words are literally … [Read more...]
Feed people!
Several decades ago, I worked at Native Seeds/SEARCH, a nonprofit based in Tucson, Arizona. Their mission: “Conserve and promote the arid-adapted crop diversity of the Southwest in support of sustainable farming and food security.” In addition to collecting, saving, and distributing seeds, the organization offers educational programs … [Read more...]
The trainer’s mantra: Knowledge, Skills, Attitude
Perhaps you’ve had this experience. You’re sitting in a workshop, webinar, or conference session. The presenter steps to the microphone, fires up the slide deck, and proceeds to bury you with information. Content, content, and even more content. Because there’s so much to know! This impulse comes from a positive place. The teacher has … [Read more...]
What I learned facilitating my first hybrid workshop
Note: This guest post is from Nora Ellertsen of The Funding Seed. Thanks, Nora! Before the pandemic, my company hosted monthly in-person fundraising workshops here in New Orleans. Over eight years, I developed content, activities, and presentation strategies for those trainings. Like many of us, I switched to Zoom during COVID, … [Read more...]
The Talmud of Zoom
In the Jewish tradition, the Talmud is one of the core books: a primary source of Jewish law. The Talmud is drawn from centuries of oral teachings and includes the opinions of many, many rabbis. It was compiled about fifteen hundred years ago, with more commentary added in subsequent centuries. I’m no scholar, but what I most … [Read more...]
Fundraising with H.E.A.R.T.
In my work as a fundraising consultant, I’ve noticed how clients tend to begin the conversation by asking about tactics and details. Typical questions: Who should sign our fundraising letters? (Board chair, executive director, development director…?) How often can we solicit our donors without annoying them? When we ask our … [Read more...]
You won’t complete the work – do it anyway
The Jewish tradition includes a book of learning called Pirkei Avot, translated as Ethics of the Ancestors. Compiled almost two thousand years ago, it’s filled with advice. Some of the principles feel archaic, while others remain strikingly relevant. As our country wrestles (yet again) with its history of white supremacy, I am … [Read more...]
Showing up imperfect, part 2: Power, privilege, and imperfection
A few months ago, I published a post called Showing Up Imperfect. Based on my experience leading a series of train-the-trainer workshops in Maine, I reflected on the value of humility, vulnerability, and imperfection. To summarize, there’s a big difference between being imperfect and being incompetent. Know your stuff and do your work … [Read more...]
Showing up imperfect
A consulting colleague has a successful business facilitating workshops on a variety of topics, serving a variety of clients. She’s supremely well-organized. She designs meticulous agendas, prepares materials days in advance, and rehearses her presentation. As the day of the job approaches, you don't want to mess with her, because … [Read more...]
Design yourself a better board
Imagine the following exercise. Gather your board members around a flip chart. Ask the following question: "If we could design the perfect board for our group, what skills, qualities, and representation would we want in prospective board members?" Skills, qualities, representation Skills include specific expertise to help the … [Read more...]
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